Monday, November 1, 2010

Why Adopt?

The reason Kevin and I have chosen to tell everyone about our adoption by first announcing Dane's a big brother is two fold.  First we wanted a day to enjoy people being happy for us before the awkward questions/concerns started AND we want to change people's perceptions about adoption.  Dane is a big brother, right now, even though none of us has met his little brother or sister. God is unfolding this miracle to us day by day, and we hope to share this with you.  As part of the adoption process, we have had to write biographies of our life and talk about our motivations to adopt so here are some excerpts on why we have chosen this method to expand our family:

  • It's the right thing to do, 
  • A family is what you make of it, not how you make it, 
  • God is calling us to live out the Gospel by doing for this child what he has done for us: accept us for who, when and where we are.
  • James 1:27: Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 
  • Living in the United States, we are blessed beyond belief.  Our (America's) understanding of poverty, AIDS and other diseases and injustices is inadequate. Someone needs to defend the fatherless, and Kevin and I feel God has called us to this. 
  • It has been estimated there are currently 147 million orphans worldwide. While we can't change the world, we can change OUR world for ONE.
We are very thankful for all of you who are supporting us through this process.  We have been "expecting" about 4-5 months and are probably a year out from bringing our little one home. 

Please pray for his/her health and safety, his/her caregivers, political stability in Ethiopia and for our patience through this process.


  1. Patty & Kevin, this is SO awesome! I'm so excited to watch your journey and God's miracle unfold! :-)

  2. I can hardly wait! We're here for you! Hugs!
