Friday, February 17, 2012

Iris...The Great News

When I was in Ethiopia for our Embassy date and to bring Isaac home, Kevin and I were chatting over email over a little girl who needed a home, Iris, and how we could bring her into our family.  Our hearts were broken when we she hopped in the van with us in August and thought we were her parents, so when we learned that she still didn't have parents, we felt called to help her.  We attempted to find out how we could adopt her, but it was not possible at that time in August, and when we attempted in October/November it was not possible then either.  With very different languages, it was hard to  understand the why's and how's, but after recently joining a Facebook group for parents of the orphanage Isaac is from, we found out that little Iris has been claimed by her birth father.  Now, I know for a fact that this was an impossibility, we were actually working to provide her and other children in a similar situation at the orphanage (are not eligible for adoption, so will be in the institution until they come of age without any education, without any life skills that a normal Ethiopian family would provide, without a support system, in other words, without much hope) educational opportunities.  But as we prayed and asked God to reveal to us how we could best do this, we continued to ask that her birth parents would come for her.  This seemed like the only way.  So when someone asks me if I believe in prayer, and if I believe in miracles, yes, yes I do.

Praise God for little Iris and the hope her story can provide to others.
And as far as the other children, one of them is being matched with a family now.  It appears that God is providing the solution to the bigger problem, and not our short-sided view. :)

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