A long time ago in a galaxy far away, I used to not take vacations. At all. Ever. Never. Ever. Well okay, that was is a little hyperbole, but I am naturally a homebody and am happy to just stick close to home.
But then a few things happened:
- I started working from home (aka WAH), (lots of time to be a homebody, pretty much 24/7),
- My company instituted a use or loose policy to our vacation time,
- We bought a timeshare, and
- We had kids.
And since many people think when you work from home, and you are female, you can do everything a SAHM (Stay at Home Mom) does in addition to your paid work, that work load doesn't decrease while on vacation either. (For the record SAHM work is a full time plus a half time job, plus my full time paid job, minus 5 carry the 2 and I'm always working on something).
Having said this, I realized the need to recharge, but I had a very limited (non-existent) budget. In spite of that, I took on the challenge and it's taken some time to get the equation just right, but here we go...Oh wait, let's add a pretty picture of a Lanai sunrise...
So, this might seem a little out of the ordinary, I'm going to ask you to answer a few questions and then I will post the answers to all of your vacation planning. Please keep in mind I am a consultant, which means I ask lots of questions and analyze before I have an answer. :)
- What kind of time to you re-energize from? A big group of people, family time, girl time, or being alone?
- What types of scenery to you connect with the most? The woods, the lake, the ocean, the city?
- How long can you be away from your job at a time? (SAHMs - This means, how long can your family survive without you and you survive without your family?)
- How far in advance can you plan? (1 year, one month, one week?)
- What is your budget? (Don't say a little, be specific, even if specific is zero)
I will answer my own questions here:
- What kind of time to you re-energize from? Quite time, one-on-one or less, or the ability to get lost in a crowd. No accountability for time, calories or exercise.
- What types of scenery to you connect with the most? The ocean, where it is warm
- How long can you be away from your job at a time?1 week if planned in 3-12 months advance, 1 day if not
- How far in advance can you plan? 8 months to a year, but can be less depending on workload
- What is your budget? $500-1500 (annual)